Club By-Laws
The primary purpose of this golf club is to promote a tournament program, to provide a social and golfing contact among its members and with other clubs, and to provide handicaps to implement such tournaments. Wherever "he" or "him" or their related pronouns may appear in these Bylaws, either as words of parts of words, they have been used for literary purposes and are meant in their generic sense (i.e., to include all human kind, or both male and female sexes).
The name of this club shall be THE MEN’S CLUB AT FOOTHILLS.
SECTION 1. The fiscal year of the Club will be November 1 through October 31.
SECTION 2. This Club shall be a non-profit organization, organized solely for the social benefit of its members. This Club shall not be liable to any member or any person for any damage or claim arising out of this Club’s operation, and, any member applying and being accepted into this Club hereby waives any such damage or claim which may exist at the present time or which may at any future time exist.
SECTION 1. Procedure
Robert's Rules of Order, Revised shall be the final authority as to parliamentary procedure at all meetings of the members, in so far as they do not conflict with any provisions of these Bylaws.
SECTION 2. Order of Business
Call to order
Reading and approval of the minutes of last meeting
Special reports
Old business
New business
SECTION 1. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall consist of a minimum of thirteen (13) and a maximum of fourteen (14) members. It will consist of eight (8) regular Directors AND a Club President, President-Elect, Club Secretary, Club Treasurer, Club Web Master and Immediate Past President.
All members of the Board of Directors, except the Club Secretary, Club Treasurer and the Club Web Master shall be elected by the Club membership. The Club Secretary, Club Treasurer and Club Web Master shall be appointed in accordance with Section 10 of this Article.
The Club Web Master shall be the only position on the Board of Directors that can be a dual position. Any Board Member can serve in his elected or appointed position and also be appointed Club Web Master, leaving the Board with thirteen (13) members. If none of the thirteen (13) Board Members assumes the duties of Club Web Master, that position will be appointed by the President from the Club membership, and the Board will consist of fourteen (14) members.
SECTION 2. Election of Directors
The Club membership shall at its Annual Fall Meeting elect four (4) Directors for a two (2) year term and on alternate years follow the same procedure.
SECTION 3. Officers
The Club membership shall at its Annual Meeting elect a President-Elect who will serve for one year and automatically become the Club President for the following year. If both a Club President and President-Elect must be elected, then the person with the most votes for Club President will win that position and the person with the second most votes will become the President-Elect.
The Club President, who will serve for a period of one (1) year, will have the responsibility for the overall operation of the Club and will act as Chairman of the Board of Directors. The President-Elect's duties will be to assist the President in the operation of the Club and prepare himself for duties of Club President for the following year.
SECTION 4. Meeting of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall meet at a minimum each quarter of each calendar year at the time and place to be fixed by the President.
The Secretary shall notify each member of the Board at least five (5) days prior to the meeting.
The President or any two (2) members of the Board of Directors may call a special meeting of the Board at any time, provided that the Secretary shall notify each Director of such meeting, stating the business to be brought before the Directors and must notify at least five (5) days prior to said meeting.
SECTION 5. Quorum
A simple majority of the Board of Directors and Officers shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of said Board.
SECTION 6. Government and Management
Control and management of the affairs, funds and properties of the Club shall be vested in the Board of Directors.
SECTION 7. Interpretation
The Board of Directors shall interpret these Bylaws and its decision shall be final on all questions as to the interpretation of the same.
SECTION 8. Nominations for the Board of Directors and President-Elect
The Election Committee shall open nominations for the Board of Directors and President-Elect with the required nomination form at the Club Championship tournament, but no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the Annual Fall Meeting. Nominations for elections will close ten (10) days prior to the Fall Annual Meeting.
SECTION 9. Vacancies
The Board of Directors shall by majority vote appoint any member of the Club in good standing to fill any vacancy that might arise on the Board. An appointee for a normally elected position will fill the vacancy until the election at the Annual Fall Meeting.
SECTION 10. Club Secretary, Club Treasurer and Club Webmaster
The Board of Directors at its first meeting of a new fiscal year shall by a majority vote appoint from the membership persons to serve as Club Secretary, as Club Treasurer, and as Club Web Master.
Said appointments shall not exceed one (1) year or encumber successive Board of Directors. The Club Secretary, Club Treasurer and the Club Web Master shall be voting members of the Board of Directors. In the instance that the Club Web Master is a dual position, this person has only one vote. Their duties are to be defined by the Club President and shall be at the discretion of the Board.
SECTION 11. Vice-President
The Board of Directors at its first meeting shall by a majority vote appoint from the Board of Directors a person to serve as Vice-President. He will continue to serve on the Board as a Board member, but in the event the President is not present or is unable to perform his duties, the Vice-President will assume the President's duties.
SECTION 1. Composition of Committees
The Club President will appoint members to committees. All committee members will be advisors to the President and Board of Directors.
SECTION 2. Rules Committee
The Rules Committee shall consist of the President and other appointed members. It shall have charge of all Club Rules decisions, and shall be the final word in all disputes.
SECTION 3. Membership Committee
The duties of the Membership Committee shall be to maintain the current year membership roster, the official waiting list, and to be active in the solicitation of new members.
SECTION 4. Handicap Committee
The composition of the Handicap Committee shall be the Handicap Director and other appointed members. The Handicap Director must be certified by the Colorado Golf Association.
The responsibilities/duties of the Handicap Committee, empowered by the USGA Golf Handbook, the Colorado Golf Association, and the Board of Directors of the Men’s Club at Foothills shall be:
Maintain a current GHIN handicap for each Club member, commensurate with his playing ability.
The Handicap Committee may, at its discretion, reduce or increase the handicaps of players who do not return all their scores or otherwise do not observe the spirit of the handicap system.
At the discretion of the Handicap Committee, a player's handicap may be changed when normal computation methods produce a handicap obviously not consistent with the individual's ability. The Handicap Committee will follow the guidelines set forth in the Rules of Handicapping (USGA) under Rule 7.1A.
The Board of Directors will review all handicap changes recommended by this committee.
SECTION 5. Publicity and Club Book Committee.
The Committee is responsible for soliciting advertising for the Club book and the publication of the Club Book.
SECTION 6. Social Committee
The responsibilities of the Social Committee shall be to plan and make preparations for all social events of the Club. They shall establish the dates, in conjunction with the tournament schedule, and the locations that shall apply to the various events.
SECTION 7. Awards Committee
The Awards Committee shall be responsible for determining the type of awards, their procurement, as well as the amount, in cooperation with the Treasurer, to be expended. Their decisions will be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.
SECTION 8. Policies and Bylaws Committee
The Policies and Bylaws Committee will be responsible for the annually reviewing the Club Bylaws to recommend changes, additions and/or deletions to the Board of Directors at the most appropriate time, for approval by the general membership at the Annual Fall Meeting or a Special Meeting.
SECTION 9. Tournament Committee
Each tournament will be assigned a minimum of three (3) Board members, forming a Tournament Committee. It is their responsibility to set up the format, rules of competition, and the payouts schedule for their respective tournament. Their decisions will be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors. Along with a member from the Golf Genius Committee, they will organize the daily tournament pairings for their tournament.
SECTION 10. Election Committee
A three-member committee appointed by the President shall be in charge of the election of the Board of Directors and all Bylaw changes, voted on by the general membership. They shall be responsible for nominations sign-up and to make the necessary ballots.
SECTION 11. Finance Committee
The Finance Committee will, at least, consist of the President, President-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary. The President may appoint other members. The Finance Committee shall develop the annual budget to submit to the Board of Directors, review the monthly financial statements, and monitor the budget passed by the Board. The committee will review bank reconciliations, engage auditors as necessary, and deal with other fiscal matters that arise.
SECTION 1. Dues.
Membership dues payable to this Club are subject to change, upon majority vote of the Board of Directors.
SECTION 2. Exemptions from Dues.
Honorary, Lifetime, and Leave of Absence memberships shall not be subjected to payment of Membership dues.
SECTION 1. Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the general membership shall be convened for the purpose of conducting official business of importance to the Club.
There shall be an Annual Meeting, the dates of which are to be fixed by the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall notify each member in good standing the date, time and place of each meeting at least ten (10) days prior thereto.
SECTION 2. Special Meetings
The President or any three (3) Board members is hereby vested with authority to convene a special meeting of the general membership. Notice of this special meeting shall be given as provided in Section 1 of this Article. In addition thereto, said notice shall contain a brief agenda of the proposed business to be transacted at the special meeting.
SECTION 3. Call by the Club Membership of a Special Meeting
Upon petition of one-third (1/3) of the members of this Club presented to the Secretary of the Board of Directors, in writing, requesting a special meeting, the Secretary shall cause notice to be given to all Club members in good standing in accordance with Section 1 of this Article.
SECTION 1. Total Membership
Total membership in the Club shall be limited to two hundred and fifty (250) active members. Lifetime members do not count toward the total membership.
SECTION 2. Eligibility
Upon payment of Membership dues, Membership shall be granted in this order:
Club members who were in good standing in the preceding season,
To residents of Jefferson County that are on each year’s official Club waiting list, and have an active USGA Handicap Index,
To non-residents of Jefferson County that are on each year's official Club waiting list, and have an active USGA Handicap Index. Applications from employees of Foothills Golf Course who have an active USGA Handicap Index will be posted to the Jefferson County resident waiting list.
After all applicants described in the paragraphs above are depleted, then membership shall be granted in this continuing order:
To Jefferson County residents that are on each year's official Club waiting list, without an active USGA Handicap Index,
To non-residents of Jefferson County that are on each year's official Club waiting list, without a USGA Handicap Index.
Membership in more than one eighteen (18) hole Golf Club sanctioned by the Foothills Park and Recreation District is allowed.
SECTION 3. Lifetime Membership
Lifetime memberships may be bestowed by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors to members who have performed continuous meritorious service for the Club for a period of at least ten (10) years. The award is permanent.
A lifetime member may participate in any Club event upon submission of an entry form and the requisite tournament entry fee.
SECTION 4. Honorary Membership
Honorary memberships may be bestowed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors to non-members who have performed meritorious service for the Club. This one-year award is reserved for political and business leaders. The award may be renewed by subsequent Boards. The honoree may participate in Club events, excepting the Club Championship and hole-in-one competitions, upon submission of an entry form and the requisite tournament entry fee.
SECTION 5. Leave of Absence
A member in good standing may, upon written request, be granted a leave of absence by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The grant is for one year and may be renewed upon written request. When a member on leave of absence requests reinstatement to the Club, he will be placed at the top of the official waiting list.
SECTION 1. Reasons
Any member of this Club may be suspended or expelled for cause, including, but not limited to, unsportsmanlike conduct, vulgarity, violation of rules, or any conduct which results in adverse reflection on this Club.
SECTION 2. Complaints
All complaints against persons shall be in brief written form addressed to the President of the Board of Directors. If necessary, a formal hearing will be called, with the parties involved requested to attend. The Board of Directors will rule as to the validity of the complaints.
SECTION 3. Suspension or Expulsion
Suspension of a member from the Club for a designated period of time shall require a three quarter (3/4) majority vote of the Board of Directors. In the case of Expulsion of membership, it requires a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors.
These Bylaws may be repealed or amended, or new Bylaws adopted by two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present at the Annual Fall Meeting or at any special meeting held for this purpose.
Official Bylaws amended and approved on October 27, 2023